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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1591)

Creating film scripts and making short films, based on real stories, inspired by the students' lives.

Proiectul își propune să celebreze Ziua internațională a cărții și a drepturilor de autor, prin valorificarea unor autori naționali și internaționali în cadrul orelor de literatură. Cu această ocazie...

Proiectul are ca scop promovarea lecturii ca activitate plăcută și benefică, încurajarea schimbului de experiențe de lectură între elevi din diverse țări, precum și dezvoltarea abilităților de...

"Well-being" is a state of complete physical, mental, emotional and social well-being. The aim of our project is to ensure that students become psychologically, physically, cognitively and socially...

Play is the child's first occupation. Children discover life through games.In this modern world where everything has turned to technology, children's games have been replaced by phones. We observe...

The project has been created as a need for "Samuil Vulcan" National College to implement activities in order to fulfill its Erasmus Plus Accreditation Plan, during the first accredited project 2023-1...

With our project, our students will understand the importance of nature and trees. That will create an effective awareness.

In this project, ceramic art helps the student better understand the history and culture of traditional arts. It is aimed to support the development of one's aesthetic feelings with knowledge of art...