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European School Education Platform


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Projects (12975)

Cieľom nášho projektu je zamerať sa na starostlivosť o rastliny, zdravý životný štýl a do spolupráce zapojiť široké okolie .

"On Europe Day We Share, On Wellbeing We Care" is a collaborative project across European schools, promoting wellbeing through creative initiatives like logo design, poster creation, and online...

This is Erasmus + KA210 project, granted by Spanish National Agency . Our objective objective of the project is to promote healthy lifestyles among participants, focusing on decreasing fast food...

Having a pet can indeed be incredibly beneficial for your well-being! They offer companionship, reduce stress, provide a sense of purpose, and can even improve physical health by encouraging exercise...

The task of the project is to raise awareness among children about what they should do in case of danger and who they should ask for help. Get to know the integrated rescue system, talk about its...

The project "Green-Med-Sports" provides a space to collaborate for the Erasmus+ project partners between Greenland and Corsica before, during and after the exchange between the two high-schools and...

Student teachers from different countries will work in transnational groups on different aspects of the optimization of foreign language acquisition in order to create a handbook integrating this...

Projekt se zabývá zdravou výživou. Děti se naučí rozlišovat mezi zdravým/nezdravým jídlem, prohloubí své znalosti o účincích stravy na lidský organismus a dozví se, že vyvážená strava a zdravý životní...