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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1707)

Scopul proiectului constă în creșterea gradului de educație modernă, aplicată, interdisciplinară la cel puțin 600 de copii și elevi din cadrul Liceului Tehnologic „Petre Ionescu Muscel” Domnești...

In this project, we aim to increase environmental awareness among the students by teaching basic vocabulary items and grammar structures related to environment and nature in our curriculum. Besides...

Our project is about fairy tales. Our fairy tale will start with the health problem of the king's daughter and for her recovery our fairy tale hero Keloğlan will set off and try to find the curative...

Our project includes students between the ages of 5-11 Dec. It is believed by experts that outdoor education is much more motivating, stimulating and has a strong impact on the learning process...

It's a project of nature discovery during spring time.

Proiectul se desfasoara in cinci etape: 1. management si comunicare 2. amenajarea unui loc de joaca in aer liber 3. 40 de ore de curs pentru 600 de elevi Materiale de curs: Tu ai bea apă de canal?–...

This eTwinning project provides a platform for students from different countries to explore the traditional Turkish art of Ebru and learn about this art form by relating it to their own cultures. Our...

Children are introduced to traditional games and use these games in their social lives, and the time they spend on technology is reduced and taken under control.