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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1634)

In our project we would like to describe our national dishes, exchange them with our friends from different countries, to make video how to prepare at least one od them, make pictures and prepare a...

Chceme zasvätiť deti do minulosti ? Oživiť dávne tradície, naučiť sa ľudové piesne , tance a poznať odev našich predkov? Skúsme to a hravou formou to určite zvládneme. Krátke videá s nahrávkami...

Deň matiek je deň, kedy sa vzdáva úcta matkám a materstvu. Je oslavovaný v rôzne dni na mnohých miestach po celom svete, vychádza z rôznych tradícií a aj my prostredníctvom aktivít chceme poukázať na...

Project deals with mastering relaxation techniques, avoiding procrastination, reducing exam pressure, setting goals as well as with stress management.

Only a practice project for e-learning training. The main working space is, where pupils will create Avatars and describe themselves. As the second activity is planned to use AI, create...

National Quality Label

V projekte každý z účastníkov predstavy svoje mesto. Napíše kultúrne a historické pamiatky. Čo je zaujímavé v meste, čo by odporúčal vidieť turistom a prečo.

With this project, it is expected that students develop computational thinking using the Scratch platform to create isometries from photographs collected in the city where they come from.

In our project, we aim to improve and support our students' well-being in mathematics lessons. We identified 4 key themes for well-being. These are sleep, nutrition, sports and cognitive flexibility...