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European School Education Platform


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Projects (546)

This project is for primary school's students. They will impove their digital, social, multilingual skills.

"Memory Lane - Sharing Fun Memories" is a project designed to create a platform where people can reminisce and share their most cherished and enjoyable memories. In a world often consumed by the...

‘Share your traditions with us' is a project created to promote a deep understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity in Europe.

In this project we’ll combine English, ICT and Psychology. During all the school year 2024/2025 we wiil learn how to work with stress, we will try ourselves in creative writing, we will create e-book...

Cieľom projektu je oboznámenie detí zábavnou formou s kultúrnymi a historickými pamiatkami mesta/obce partnerskej školy.

Students (10-15) have to prepare at least 10 sentences about their daily routine in Present Simple ( they can choose a day of the week). The teacher has to record the voice of each student when he/she...

National Quality Label

Interkulturelle Besonderheiten der jeweiligen Teilnehmerländer werden exemplarisch anhand nationaler Feiertage dargestellt und dadurch kulturelle Vielfalt gefördert.

Uczniowie do czerwca będą wymieniać się ręcznie napisanymi listami w języku niemieckim. W czerwcu nastąpi podsumowanie na platformie Teams. Dodatkowo uczniowie będą wymieniali się zagadkami ucząc w...