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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1487)

Šiuolaikinių ikimokyklinukų ugdymo procese vis daugiau skiriama dėmesio vaikų judėjimui, įgyjamų žinių taikymui praktikoje. Žaidimas tampa galimybe siekti vaiko pasiekimų ir pažangos per įvairesnes...

The project that we intend to start is related to reading two books from universal literature involving themes as the protection of the child's civil rights and freedom from discrimination on the...

TOPIC: Discovery Traveler-Exploring the World. BRIEF EXPLANATION: This Project allows students to explore different aspects of the world and gain cultural awareness. AIM: This project aims to increase...

To raise the awerness about saving our mother Earth by creating and designing recycled instruments, 2D Art

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) eğitimi okul öncesinden yüksek öğretime kadar tüm sınıf seviyelerini kapsayan bir yaklaşımdır. Öğrencilerin problemlere disiplinler arası bakış...

Our project is based on the famous words” Recycling turns things into other things, which is like magic." We aim to to raise awareness about recycle, upcycle through art. First, we will create our own...

The extinction of species can lead to disruptions in the balance of life and pose serious threats to ecosystems. But are we aware of this danger? We want to raise awareness about this danger research...

The purpose of our project is to make awareness of world peace for children. Children are our future and world wars are destroying our children who have right to live healthy and happily. From...