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European School Education Platform


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Projects (43)

As twinspace "Management of external and internal conflicts in the KA220 school" has never appeared on the new platform and in order to continue working on it, we created this second part. This...

National Quality Label

Ce projet va se dérouler en plusieurs phases : 1) On danse, 2) On mange et 3) On nettoie. De plus, nous échangerons des cartes pour les fêtes et organiserons un concours de logo. L'objectif est de...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Getting to learn more about the countries participating to the Eurovision Song Contest and their artists. Become an artist themselves in creating a multicultural group and song.

National Quality Label

The students will exchange and learn about each other's celebrations every month in order to create a calendar with all these celebrations' dates and maybe some photos and/or special recipes to...

This project is a KA220 project about how school management with external and enyernal conflicts in school

Öğrencilerimizin okuduğunu anlama becerilerini geliştirmek, kitap okumayı sevdirmek, kendini ifade becerilerini geliştirmek, farklı yazarları ve eserlerini tanımalarını hedeflemekteyiz. Aynı zamanda...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We are collaborating for a sustainable and bautiful world. Sustainable Development Goals 2030 will be studied to raise awareness. Our students will create various useful content using digital tools...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Die SchülerInnen bereiten Power-Point Präsentation vor und drehen Videos ihrer Stadt. Die Partner-Schulen tauschen sich dann die Materialien. Sie benutzen Deutsch als Kommunikationssprache. Die...