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European School Education Platform


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Projects (21)

We do live in a period of time that worries both young people and adults. Peace is threatened and the political climate is tensed. We want to celebrate Europe Day, on the 9th of May by learning about...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Students from Iceland and Sweden try different tools to escape from digital breakout room with working together on finding and solving clues.

The project is based on both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. It is about festivals, ceromonies, natural beauties, landmarks, historical places, education systems etc.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The aims for our students are: -to learn about their own identity and the differences between the countries -to get familiar with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the porpose of them. -to...

In the last ten years, the industrial world- which has been influenced by automation, has developedinto the so-called ‘‘Internet of Things‘‘ (Industry 4.0). It's about networking products, logistics...

The traditional activity of artisans and artisans is part of that valuable European cultural heritage that we have to protect, promote and contribute to their future survival. Craft is an important...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

International cooperation: Improving the Future is a project funded by Erasmus+. The countries participating are Spain, Cyprus, Poland, Iceland and Norway. We have 5 mobilities all together, the first...

Verkefnið mun byggja á því að fá nemendur til þess að kenna á þeirra uppáhalds app eða það app sem þeir telja að geti hentað öðrum. Afraksturinn verður í formi skjáupptöku og því gæti þetta hentað sem...