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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1030)

There are many benefits of recycling. In this context, it is very important to raise students' awareness. Because not all wastes can be recycled, but thanks to the recyclable wastes; Considering the...

Proiectul are scopul de a dezvolta încrederea elevilor în ei, de a pune în valoare importanța abilităților profesionale ale elevilor din învățământul profesional. Prin acest proiect, elevii vor învăța...

Our project is a dynamic cultural exchange initiative between Izbilim College and Kvinesdal Ungdomskole, aimed at fostering cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, and global citizenship among...

Pupils will explain how their towns are talking about the most famous buildings and places they have, and as a result, they are going to discover different ways of life. They are also going to share...

Deň matiek je deň, kedy sa vzdáva úcta matkám a materstvu. Je oslavovaný v rôzne dni na mnohých miestach po celom svete, vychádza z rôznych tradícií a aj my prostredníctvom aktivít chceme poukázať na...

Projemiz öğrencilerin sadece yaşadıkları çevreyle sınırlı kaldıkları farklı ortamları farklı kültürleri ve farklı değerleri tam olarak bilmedikleri sorunundan yola çıkarak oluşturulmuştur...

Let's descover our traditions in Ramdan together

This project of ours; To support the socio-cultural development of our students, to enable them to become self-confident and self-actualize by ensuring their participation in social activities, and to...