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European School Education Platform


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Projects (2182)

Elevi din licee din diverse zone geografice ale României vor colabora pentru a sărbătorii Ziua Europei

This project will be the meeting point of a group of schools working together on the preparation of a film festival, which they will carry out during their Erasmus mobilities. They will focus on film...

Through this project, students will not only understand human and child rights but will also have the opportunity to exercise their own democratic abilities in defining and promoting the specific...

Our project is a dynamic cultural exchange initiative between Izbilim College and Kvinesdal Ungdomskole, aimed at fostering cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, and global citizenship among...

The "Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Project" starts with a virtual orientation session, setting project objectives and distributing resources on digital citizenship. Students engage in self...

Students describe what they did yesterday, a day before yesterday or a week ago. They have to choose one day in the past and describe it in Past Simple. Then, the teacher records the voices and send...

The objective is to create a TV news bulletin together with European students! English will be used to communicate among the participants, since one of the main goals is to make students speak and...

"Eco-Friends" is a collaborative eTwinning project that aims to raise pupils' awareness of environmental issues and promote sustainable behaviour through the exploration of green practices and good...