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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1107)

Scopul proiectului constă în creșterea gradului de educație modernă, aplicată, interdisciplinară la cel puțin 600 de copii și elevi din cadrul Liceului Tehnologic „Petre Ionescu Muscel” Domnești...

In this project, we will seek answers to the question of what professions existed in the past, what professions there are now, and what professions there will be in the future. Just as we can examine...

The project to be worked on for the 12-16 age group will last 3 months, and students will identify the negative situations or emotions they encounter at school using various web 2 tools. Activities...

Öğrencileri iz bırakmış, eserleri herkes tarafından bilinen ressamlarla tanıştırmak , resim dersini sevdirmek -Introducing students to painters who have left their mark and whose works are known to...

This project aims to cultivate students' awareness of using waste as recyclable materials and intends to establish a different philosophy within the consumer community. They will create DIY crafts...

"Empowering Tomorrow's Innovators: S.T.E.A.M Exploration of Renewable Energy for Students Aged 13-19"

To research women who have contributed to the development, education and culture of each of the participating countries. The aim is to prepare the biographies of the women she researched, to introduce...

We plan for our children to be happy with fairy tales, which have an important place in their lives. We plan activities such as animation and visualization related to fairy tales. We will have guests...