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European School Education Platform


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Projects (562)

Make tomorrow climate friendly through positive action, act globally and join global action days to make a positive impact on climate issues. The mentioned project will motivate others and involve...

“Think Globally - Act Locally!” is a Project that aims to foster a number of key competencies among students and teachers: Enhancing the understanding of democracy, freedom, and peace: By interacting...

Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, il est évident que les déplacements humains sont une réalité à laquelle nous devons nous attendre dans les communautés mondiales. Il existe une insécurité croissante qui...

Scopul proiectului constă în creșterea gradului de educație modernă, aplicată, interdisciplinară la cel puțin 600 de copii și elevi din cadrul Liceului Tehnologic „Petre Ionescu Muscel” Domnești...

Purpose of the Project: The main aim of this project is to develop awareness of values education, recycling, upcycling, green environmentalism and a healthy lifestyle and to create behavioral change...

პროექტი, ,,ჩემი შენ გითხარი“, ხორციელდება პარტნიორ სკოლებს ( სსიპ ბორჯომის N 1, სსიპ ლესია უკრაინკას სახელობის ხაშურის მუნიციპალიტეტის სურამის N 3 საჯარო, წალკის მუნიციპალიტეტის სოფელ ახალშენის საჯარო...

We want to share the results of mobility in the Erasmus+ VET 2023 programm. Students from three professions carried out professional practice in Spain: - technician of environmental protection, -...

We are going to make researches on some fossils that are commonly found in our district and make their collection. The students will be a part of the process and have a fossil exhibition. The students...