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European School Education Platform


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Projects (74)

Starting from poetry, literature, law and cinema, we would like to give the opportunity to the students to listen to the voices of migrant women in contemporary Mediterranean history, developing...

Pupils will explain how their towns are talking about the most famous buildings and places they have, and as a result, they are going to discover different ways of life. They are also going to share...

National Quality Label

معا لارض خضراء هو مشروع رقمي يتضمن الفئة العمرية للتلاميذ الذين تتراوح اعمارهم بين 8 و12 سنة و يمتد لفترة زمنية محددة وهي 30 ماي 2022 . يعمل هذا المشروع على انشاء حديقة بالمدرسة، اعادة تدوير النفايات...

Tous les élèves participent à la plantation d'oliviers le 10 novembre 2021 avec diverses activités - dessin - musique..... Ce projet vise à sensibiliser les jeunes à la valeur de l'arbre, à la...

The idea is to create games and animations from the subjects educated in class in digital mode.

La production, la distribution, la gestion et les déchets alimentaires menacent la faune, les lieux sauvages et la planète elle-même. Le WWF œuvre pour garantir une planète vivante qui soutiendra une...

National Quality Label

The topic of interest is the media and how it helps students to improve their english language skills, as a foreign language.. We will make students transmit news or documentary tapes, vocal reading -...

National Quality Label

We created this project to allow Twinners to train onTwinspace.