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European School Education Platform


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Projects (291)

The project is aimed at primary school students aged 10 to 14. This project is centered around the eTwinning 2024 annual theme: "Wellbeing at School" in English. The activities will be based on the...

Children are very curious about new things. Each country has a special culture, from architecture, to music, to customs. We want our students to learn new information, to see new cultures through...

This project is carried out on well-being, one of the important study subjects of positive psychology. For the reasons mentioned above, studies to increase the well-being of students at school are...

The idea of the project is to make friends with other European students this school year. Students will use the knowledge (grammar / vocabulary) they get during lessons. The project activities include...

Global warming, climate change, scarcity of water resources, forests disappearing every day and rapidly depleting resources. Our word realy under a lot of danger. It is extremely important to protect...

Equality and justice are the most important values.The values ​​of equality and justice emerge as social values ​​in building a society, protecting cultural values, maturing national identity and...

Dnia 23 kwietnia przypada Międzynarodowy Dzień Języka Angielskiego, jest to również dzień narodzin i śmierci Wiliama Szekspira. W związku z tym wydarzeniem, uczniowie podejmą próby pisania wierszy w...

The English lessons taught to us in schools since our childhood are actually in our entire education life and aim to prepare us for the next periods of our lives. According to researches, learning a...

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