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European School Education Platform


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Projects (44)

We aim to ensure that children, who are our future in a rapidly growing and changing world, learn first their own culture and then the cultures of other countries. By actively using web 2.0 tools...

We have students with special needs in our classes.We see that they are ignored most of the time and they need their teacher's and friend's help to deal with this problem.We aim to ensure that...

Dostoyevski: "A society that is insensitive to tyranny is poisoned." Peer bullying is one of the most common violent behaviours among children. There are different types of bullying. Since students...

In this short and and simple project we will introduce our schools all over Europe. Pupils will plan and film a video where they introduce the school building and its surroundings. Pupils will also...

National Quality Label

A project to see the effectiveness of peripheral learning in the classroom and to create materials for further application of vocabulary teaching.

National Quality Label

The project is based on both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. It is about festivals, ceromonies, natural beauties, landmarks, historical places, education systems etc.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Ознайомлення з основами роботи на порталі, прикладами проєктів та критеріями якості проєктів, підтримка учасників на етапі створення власних проєктів.

National Quality Label

Projekt Give Me a High Five jest projektem będącym częścią obchodów Europejskiego Dnia Języków obchodzonym w wielu szkołach i krajach we wrześniu. Ideą projektu jest przybicie sobie piątki z dziećmi z...

National Quality Label