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European School Education Platform


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Projects (841)

Çocuk oyunları; çocukların dünyasından haber veren ve çocukları toplumsal hayata hazırlayan öğretmenlerdir. Farklı kültürlerin kendine ait çocuk oyunlarından haberdar olmak ve bu oyunları okul...

As today’s children are future adults, they have more chances to experience the effects of climate change. As a measure to these problems that we face and we will face worse, our main aim is to...

Günlük hayatta kullanılabilecek en temel işaret dili kelimelerinin öğrenciler tarafından öğrenilmesi, farkındalıklarının geliştirilmesi, öğrenciler arasında özel bir iletişim kanalının oluşturulması...

In today's world, soil pollution, climate change, etc. We are facing many important problems. We must equip our students with 21st century skills so they can solve Real World Problems. With the STEM...

Exchanging Easter cards with students from different schools

In this project, the effectiveness of mathematics education and its effect on students' motivation can be examined by using the game learning method. Games can concretize mathematical concepts...

Our project will be carried out with students between the ages of 12 - 15 within the scope of mathematics course. Our students will learn mathematics subjects with gamification method (games prepared...

Every adult was a child. The education they received and the experiences they gained have led some to become known worldwide. What kind of life and what kind of education increases success. Maybe some...