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European School Education Platform


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Projects (67279)

"Memory Lane - Sharing Fun Memories" is a project designed to create a platform where people can reminisce and share their most cherished and enjoyable memories. In a world often consumed by the...

Our students use the target language in a meaningful way in their daily lives. Although it is a popular common culture in today's globalizing world, children and young people are alienated from their...

Yaşadığı gezegen dışındaki gezegenlerin özelliklerini araştırır, bilgilerini gruptaki arkadaşları ile paylaşır.

In our project, we want to produce geometric shapes using threads, needles, buttons, knots and fabrics with our students between the ages of 10-18, thus improving the students' manual skills and...

There are many benefits of recycling. In this context, it is very important to raise students' awareness. Because not all wastes can be recycled, but thanks to the recyclable wastes; Considering the...

The main purpose of this project is to bring pupil´s English into practice and break the language barrier. Using different methods, pupils will be encouraged to speak and use different language, they...

Meyve Dünyası Projesi, 6-8 yaşındaki çocukların meyveler hakkında bilgi edinmelerini, meyve temalı sanatsal faaliyetlerle yaratıcılıklarını geliştirmelerini ve sağlıklı beslenme alışkanlıklarının...

In this project we can collaborate to tell more about our language to describe so much about our identity Using digital tools we can know each other from padlet Create a genealogic online tree about...