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European School Education Platform


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Projects (29095)

Our project is a dynamic cultural exchange initiative between Izbilim College and Kvinesdal Ungdomskole, aimed at fostering cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, and global citizenship among...

The project aims to foster cultural awareness and understanding among students by exploring and comparing daily customs and traditions from different countries. Students will research and document the...

Cieľom projektu je oboznámenie detí zábavnou formou s kultúrnymi a historickými pamiatkami mesta/obce partnerskej školy.

Student explore how music and fashion have developed and how it impacts both personal and group identity.

We aim to gather student teachers in History and or Geography from different countries to share experiences and teaching skills. We would like to study similarities and differencies in differents...

Student teachers from different countries will work in transnational groups on different aspects of the optimization of foreign language acquisition in order to create a handbook integrating this...

This etwinning project will take place in a university seminar for future secondary school teachers, possibly winter term 2024 (Oct-Dec). Topic: Comparing (1) your own culture with (2) Anglo-Saxon...

Projemiz öğrencilerin sadece yaşadıkları çevreyle sınırlı kaldıkları farklı ortamları farklı kültürleri ve farklı değerleri tam olarak bilmedikleri sorunundan yola çıkarak oluşturulmuştur...