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European School Education Platform


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Projects (544)

"Memory Lane - Sharing Fun Memories" is a project designed to create a platform where people can reminisce and share their most cherished and enjoyable memories. In a world often consumed by the...

In this project we’ll combine English, ICT and Psychology. During all the school year 2024/2025 we wiil learn how to work with stress, we will try ourselves in creative writing, we will create e-book...

Cieľom projektu je oboznámenie detí zábavnou formou s kultúrnymi a historickými pamiatkami mesta/obce partnerskej školy.

Students (10-15) have to prepare at least 10 sentences about their daily routine in Present Simple ( they can choose a day of the week). The teacher has to record the voice of each student when he/she...

National Quality Label

Interkulturelle Besonderheiten der jeweiligen Teilnehmerländer werden exemplarisch anhand nationaler Feiertage dargestellt und dadurch kulturelle Vielfalt gefördert.

Uczniowie do czerwca będą wymieniać się ręcznie napisanymi listami w języku niemieckim. W czerwcu nastąpi podsumowanie na platformie Teams. Dodatkowo uczniowie będą wymieniali się zagadkami ucząc w...

This project is aimed at getting to know individual countries through sports that are typical for that country. The goal of the project is to find out what sports are prevalent in individual countries...

The project "Art that inspires (me)" aims to develop multiple competencies in students, especially in those students who have been achieving excellent results in language, communication and art...