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European School Education Platform


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Projects (559)

This project is mainly based on 3-2-1 technique. In the 3-2-1 technique, students write about 3 things they learned in the lecture, 2 things they found particularly interesting from the lecture, and 1...

Sensitive generations work hand in hand for a clean atmosphere. We raise awareness through fun activities to protect our world and minimize the damage we cause.

The aims of the project Let's talk about Easter is to share Easter customs from different countries using online platforms. It helps students not only improve their English but also learn about Easter...

This is an eTwinning project as a unity from some different cities that were affected by a destructive earthquake last year. We want our students to get over the impact of the earthquake and, of...

We want to help students learn and play traditional mind and intelligence games by coming together with their peers in and out of school, and to help them acquire the necessary skills to develop...

In this project we will involve children in presenting they local places were they love to spend time, play, investigate, make friends and just feel happy. Children will visit those places, draw a map...

To foster international bonds of brotherhood, friendship and love, To contribute to the creation of a world where they can live in peace, Understand the importance of being a citizen of the world, To...

-Game is children's activity. It has an indispensable place, especially in the children's world, just like the need to receive love. In this context, by blending education and training activities with...