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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1632)

Çocuğun erken yaşta öğrenme yaşantısını zenginleştirerek ne öğrenmesi gerektiğini ve bunu en etkili şekilde öğretecek yöntemlerin neler olduğu sorusunu yanıtlamaktadır. Proje çalışmaları aracılığıyla...

Play is an activity that enables children to learn by experiencing independently, for the purpose of having fun and being internally motivated, consisting of behaviors that sometimes occur...

Students will use a new web2 tool in each week.

This project is about beauty of tradition folk dresses, a little bit about history and geography of this tradition dresses. It will be creative art project with art craft. This project will be about...

In today's world where technology is intertwined with education, it is aimed for students to use web2 tools more effectively in the classroom environment to increase their digital skills to a higher...

On Wednesdays students will use a different web2 tool and they will interact with each other bu using technology.

The aim of our project is to develop our students' natural intelligence by exploring, questioning and making sense of the century we live in. We aim to raise awareness of 21st century skills in order...

Our project involves the thematic vocalization of the works of poets raised in our cities by primary school students and their sharing in the form of video clips. Within the framework of our project...