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European School Education Platform


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Projects (2005)

Having a pet can indeed be incredibly beneficial for your well-being! They offer companionship, reduce stress, provide a sense of purpose, and can even improve physical health by encouraging exercise...

Copiii implicați vor cunoaşte aspecte din viaţa semenilor şi vor putea împărtăşi experienţa obținută în urma activităţilor desfăşurate pe parcursul proiectului. Parteneriatele sunt o formă de învăţare...

Şcoala se cere a fi permanent într-un dialog cu societatea încercând să realizeze legături între nevoile educaţionale, resursele intelectuale ale elevilor şi perspectivele de dezvoltare ale societăţii...

Music and rhythm are interesting elements for children. Children who discover rhythm in their bodies for the first time recognise rhythm in their environment in the following process. Imitating the...

Purpose of the Project: The main aim of this project is to develop awareness of values education, recycling, upcycling, green environmentalism and a healthy lifestyle and to create behavioral change...

Animal are our friends but unfortunately sometimes they are ignored or even mistreated by people. In our project we aim to enhance our students' awareness about animals and improve their sense of...

The e-twinning project "Hello spring. Feel the green harmony" is focused on natural, ecological and social education. Spring is the time when nature comes to life and the world becomes interesting and...

The phrase "Hakuna Matata" is not a random conglomeration of words. These words were borrowed from the Swahili language, which is widely spoken in Africa. It means "don't worry!" This slogan will...