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European School Education Platform


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Projects (2117)

Coopération sur Twinspace pour se présenter et échanger des présentations sur le sujet proposé.

Arriving in a foreign country, at a new school - that's a big challenge. The pupils in our two international classes in Vienna and Bochum come from all over the world and are now learning German at a...

This is a TwinSpace used for eTwinning workshops during international seminars. The aim is to provide a space for learning, trying out the elements of the TwinSpace and practicing.

Design an online course for transnational groups of IT students to create a CLIL lesson plan for primary school pupils.

After an ice-breaking activity, student create a collaborative word cloud “What is a good teacher for you? Then, students in international groups will choose a topic to explore their educative systems...

The project aims to set the grounds for 3 partner countries, BHAK/BHAS Gänserndorf Austria, IIS "R. PIRIA" and INS Enric Borràs Spain, to cooperate and share practices in the area of renewable energy...

Il progetto TU DA ME, ICH ZU DIR si propone come continuazione del progetto di scambio epistolare TI SCRIVO, UND DU ? Si continua la collaborazione Licei "Renier"di Belluno- BRG -BORG di Feldbach sul...

Schüler stellen den eigenen Schulalltag einer ausländischen Schule vor - und umgekehrt.