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European School Education Platform


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Projects (38131)

"Memory Lane - Sharing Fun Memories" is a project designed to create a platform where people can reminisce and share their most cherished and enjoyable memories. In a world often consumed by the...

Vēlamies izveidot dažādus sporta aktivitāšu inventārus no, iespējams, jau lietotām lietām. Dažādām lietām dot otru "elpu". Izmantot kādu lietu ne tam paredzētajā veidā. Ļaut bērniem domāt ārpus...

Our students use the target language in a meaningful way in their daily lives. Although it is a popular common culture in today's globalizing world, children and young people are alienated from their...

Yaşadığı gezegen dışındaki gezegenlerin özelliklerini araştırır, bilgilerini gruptaki arkadaşları ile paylaşır.

In our project, we want to produce geometric shapes using threads, needles, buttons, knots and fabrics with our students between the ages of 10-18, thus improving the students' manual skills and...

We are going to write and act out a radio play!

Colegiul Național Pedagogic ”Andrei Șaguna” Sibiu urmărește atingerea de standarde înalte de calitate pentru activitățile educaționale și de formare profesională inițială a viitorilor învățători și...

Having a pet can indeed be incredibly beneficial for your well-being! They offer companionship, reduce stress, provide a sense of purpose, and can even improve physical health by encouraging exercise...