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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1142)

The drone industry is growing rapidly and taking its place among the important professions of the future. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are used as solution tools in various applications such as...

Our project is about telling and comparing traditional cross-cultural stories under certain themes. Students are going to act out some well-known traditional stories of their own countries. We are...

The aims of our project are to get to know each other and our school life, to introduce our students to other cultures, holidays and traditions and to promote reading and writing. The students will...

Hungarian and Turkish students make a research about their famous inventors and inventions. They make informative documents and share those information on Twinspace and examine their sharings.

Students create a short presentation about famous sportsmen of Turkey and Hungary, they work in small groups and send their presentations to the other nation’s students.

This project is made of a series of activities aiming at celebrating Earth, sustainability, natural environment. By means of this project we want to organise a few online meetings based on inclusive...

A projektben alapfokú zene- és művészeti iskolás növendékek vesznek részt. Tanáraik segítségével olyan zeneműveket, képzőművészeti, irodalmi alkotásokat keresnek, amelyekben a saját, környező országok...

Hungarian and Turkish students work together on a multilingual dictionary which will be uploaded to Twinspace, introduce banknotes and coins to each other, show the importance of objects in their...