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European School Education Platform


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Projects (8369)

The students will exchange handmade Easter cards via the traditional post. The cards will also be accompanied with an introduction letter in order for the participants to learn a few things about the...

We would like to increase the knowledge of teenagers about the importance of healthy lifestyle and wellbeing.

Let's descover our traditions in Ramdan together

Με το έργο αυτό επιδιώκουμε οι μαθητές μας να γνωρίσουν και να συγκρίνουν πασχαλινά έθιμα και παραδόσεις από διαφορετικές περιοχές της Ελλάδας και της Κύπρου. Επίσης, να μάθουν παραδοσιακές πασχαλινές...

Parler des traditions et des différentes cultures des musulmans pendant le mois de Ramadan 🌷🌹🌷🌹

Purpose of the Project: The main aim of this project is to develop awareness of values education, recycling, upcycling, green environmentalism and a healthy lifestyle and to create behavioral change...

What about Italian and Slovenian Constitution ? Let's know our neighbour. Pupils living in Vicchio (Italy) and pupils living in Tolmin (Slovenia) will compare the Constitutions of the two countries...

Students are to write simple poems connected with Easter. Then, they are going to present their poems in the photos or powerpoint presentation in their Twinspace.