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European School Education Platform


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Projects (456)

“Tutti parlano di pace ma nessuno educa alla pace. A questo mondo, si educa per la competizione, e la competizione è l’inizio di ogni guerra. Quando si educherà per la cooperazione e per offrirci l’un...

UNICEF is one of the largest humanitarian organizations acting to defend the rights of children in the world. Pigotte, rag dolls, are one of the symbols of Unicef and represent the hope of a better...

Our project revolves around the concept of recycling materials with the ultimate goal of transforming them into engaging games. We could exchange of small videos and demos, which empowers students to...

In this project, it is aimed to improve the basic language skills of students learning German as a foreign language about clothes by using WEB 2.0 tools. For this purpose, students will firstly...

Entdecken wir die deutsche Sprache durch ein Brettspiel. Das Projekt richtet sich an Lernende, die Deutsch als zweite Fremdsprache im In- und Ausland lernen. Dieses Projekt sieht vor, dass die...

Com este projeto pretendemos dar relevo e importância à reutilização de materiais, para criar, desde tenra idade, objetos artísticos que os alunos valorizem e utilizem no seu dia-a-dia. Pretende-se...

Ambassaden er de danske eTwinning ambassadørers twinspace, hvor vi kan afholde fællesmøder, træninger, månedsmøder samt samle brugbar fælles information.

This is a short training eTwinning project for everyone who takes part in the Get A eTwinning project up and Running webinar the 8th of November 2023. This project can be done in a week and show some...