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European School Education Platform


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Projects (2032)

Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikams skirtas projektas, orientuotas į gamtamokslinio komunikavimo ir tyrinėjimų gebėjimų ugdymą įvairių patyriminių ir žaidybinių veiklų metu.

Το έργο μας είναι μέρος των Εργαστηρίων δεξιοτήτων που υλοποιούμε στα σχολεία μας την τρέχουσα σχολική χρονιά, ανήκει στη θεματική ενότητα: Δημιουργώ και Καινοτομώ--STEM. και οι δραστηριότητες του...

Children will develop their aesthetic senses by working collaboratively in the activities to be carried out. Additionally, the content and activities to be conducted with children will help them...

This project aims to help students to expand their horizons with exchanging greetings (common, holiday, seasonal...) with students, which live in different countries and cultures. The children who...

Projekt je zameraný na učenie sa starostlivosti o našu planétu. Deti partnerských škôl spolu so svojimi učiteľkami si po vzájomnej diskusii vyberú aktivitu, v ktorej by urobili niečo dobré pre našu...

Šis projektas vyks su Lietuvos ir Europos bendrojo, ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio ugdymo mokytojais. Šiame projekte mokytojai mokysis valdyti Twinspace erdvę: kurti puslapius, kelti medžiagą...

Teddy on tour, is part of an Irish-Swedish ambassadors’ collaboration project; the idea is to get to know one another better and also to learn more about the school systems in Ireland and Sweden...

Bu projede amacımız ekolojik dengenin unsurlarından olan ağacın yapısını incelemektir. Ağaç oluşumunu gözlemlemek. Ağaçların hayatımızdaki yerini anlamak. Bu sayede çocukların ağacı keşfetmesini...