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European School Education Platform


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Projects (14)

Building confidence, improve wellbeing of students together with other schools around the world.

We willen leerlingen van Aruba en België met elkaar en het land laten kennismaken. Onze leerlingen delen dezelfde taal, maar toch zitten ze elk aan de andere kant van de wereld. Ook zijn er heel wat...

1st Trimester: - Create a Christmas card along with a short description, inside, talking about how do we celebrate Christmas in the different countries involved in this project. 2nd Trimester -...

The project is based on both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. It is about festivals, ceromonies, natural beauties, landmarks, historical places, education systems etc.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Göç, insanların birçok farklı nedenle yerlerinden ayrılarak başka yerlere gitmesidir. Öğrencilerimizle birlikte küresel bir sorun haline gelen göçün nedenlerini ve sonuçlarını inceleyip araştıracağız...

National Quality Label

Pupils will learn about online safety issues, research those issues, survey their peers to discover their practices, produce materials on what they discovered and try to raise online safety awareness...

We're going to make presentations, short videos and dictionaries to know each other. Students are also going to chat online and write letters.

National Quality Label

Onlinecursus voor beginnende eTwinners