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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1423)

In this project,we will learn interesting superstitions in diffferent countries and share our superstitions.Thanks to this project, students will use "future tense" and learn interesting informations...

Šiuolaikinių ikimokyklinukų ugdymo procese vis daugiau skiriama dėmesio vaikų judėjimui, įgyjamų žinių taikymui praktikoje. Žaidimas tampa galimybe siekti vaiko pasiekimų ir pažangos per įvairesnes...

In today's world, soil pollution, climate change, etc. We are facing many important problems. We must equip our students with 21st century skills so they can solve Real World Problems. With the STEM...

Proje, edebiyatın insanlar arasındaki iletişimi nasıl güçlendirdiğini, duyguların nasıl etkili bir şekilde ifade edildiğini ve dilin evrensel bir bağlantı noktası olarak nasıl kullanıldığını...

With this project, we aim to increase our students' sustainable environmental awareness. Thus, we want to contribute to the world's life to some extent and observe an improvement in world health. With...

Projemiz, öğrencilere kültürel mirası keşfetme, çevre bilinci kazanma ve işbirliği becerilerini geliştirme amacıyla tasarlandı.Proje kapsamında öğrencilere geleneksel oyunları tasarlama sürecinde atık...

Ethnicity, gender, age, physical characteristics, economic status, education, profession, religion, etc. our cultural differences on issues. How difficult can it be to achieve common goals? Our aim is...

We will introduce traditional games and activities to prevent incorrect screen use in children between the ages of 4 and 8 . We will raise awareness among parents and ensure that children socialize by...