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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1294)

Proiectul are scopul de a dezvolta încrederea elevilor în ei, de a pune în valoare importanța abilităților profesionale ale elevilor din învățământul profesional. Prin acest proiect, elevii vor învăța...

Cadre didactice care utilizează platforme de e-learning. Cadre didactice interesate de familiarizarea cu noua platformă eTwinning: ESEP și de proiectele internaționale colaborative. Cadre didactice...

During April, May and June we plan to implement activities for learning more about Europe and eTwinning and celebrate on the 9th of May through art, language, coding and wellbeing activities. We will...

The project intends to highlight that each person and especially students can be a victim of abuse acts in digital space wich, in this moment, has not any border and clear low. The abuse in digital...

The basis of the development of a society is human health. Considering that the first and most important years of human life are spent in schools; It is understood that the most appropriate period for...

The aim of our project is to raise environmental awareness and create a healthier and livable environment by raising awareness about how to use recyclable materials through mathematical activities.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, focuses on 17 Sustainable Development Goals among which are responsible consumption and production...

This project aims to promote well being at school encouraging our students, the main characters in this question, to design and describe their DREAM SCHOOLS. They are going to focus mainly in the...