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Projects (2708)

3rd graders will write 3 simple puzzles. For example: Who can fly? (Pilot) Our English curriculum is: Greetings Family members Opposite words Action verbs Can-can’t-can you? Feelings House rooms and...

By implementing the project, our overall objective is to increase our competencies in the teaching profession. Teachers' problem and conflict solving skills and classroom management skills will be...

Δημιουργία εφημερίδας από τα παιδιά του σχολείου μας και ανταλλαγή με εφημερίδες άλλων σχολείων.

Σκοπός του προγράμματος, είναι οι μαθητές/τριες να ευαισθητοποιηθούν σε θέματα που αφορούν την αξία της ορθολογικής χρήσης του νερού ,την αξία που έχει για την διατήρηση της ζωής μας στον πλανήτη...

Mathematics should not be seen as a branch of science consisting of only four operations. Mathematics is life itself. When Hezarfen Ahmed Çelebi threw himself into the void from the Galata Tower, he...

We will plant flowers, create greenhouses in our yard with every possible way, we will conduct experiments about the growth of flowers in different conditions, observe the trees in our environment...

Šiuolaikinių ikimokyklinukų ugdymo procese vis daugiau skiriama dėmesio vaikų judėjimui, įgyjamų žinių taikymui praktikoje. Žaidimas tampa galimybe siekti vaiko pasiekimų ir pažangos per įvairesnes...

This project continues another one already started 1 year ago (KA1 - WE ALL FIT HERE- LABORAL OBSERVATION TEACHERS). At this time, we have a history of activities based on attention to the diversity...