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European School Education Platform


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Projects (4887)

Social skills of children and young people with visual impairment have been in the focus of the professionals working in the Centre IRIS, the only educational organisation in the field of visual...

The "EKO TECHNO" project is an innovative model of teaching in school education. We are committed to accomplishing the European dimension in educational activities by fostering pro-ecological...

Uporaba spletne učilnice.

In "Branching Out" three kindergartens from Croatia, Slovenia, and Portugal will collaborate to integrate nature-based activities into their daily curriculum. The project aims to assess the current...

eTwinning projekt je nastal kot podporni projekt Erasmus+ projekta z naslovom Opolnomočeni vzgojitelji za opolnomočenje otrok. V projektu naslavljamo vsebine, ki se nas trenutno najbolj dotikajo...

Students are supposed to learn about nature and ecology, as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. They are also expected to develop practical skills, such as seeding, planting, and caring for...

We will create the vision of ideal school - rules, equipment, subjects, freetime activities, studying ... The product of this project can be a book about ideal school.

Ovaj projekat je deo istoimenog Erazmus+ projekta. Kako smo škola koju pohađa veliki broj dece bez roditeljskog staranja smeštenih u Dečijem selu u Sremskoj Kamenici, želja nam je da im povećamo...