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European School Education Platform


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Projects (147764)

In this project students create short photo stories using different ICT tools and share their work with students from other countries. They use the universal dimension of images for communicating and...

This is a cross-curricular project where students will find out how names are organised in different countries and what historical background they have.

The general aim of this project is to prepare pupils to become responsible European citizens who understand the value and the need of democratic principles in a multi-cultural society. In order to...

National Quality Label

Students learn about the economy with the help of various activities in their school environment. Students produce a homemade piece of work, which is typical for the country and fnd out what steps are...

This would be a project for our teenagers and pre-teenagers students who are socially and physically very talented but don't have the oppurtunities to develop themselves.Students will take place in...

National Quality Label

I’m sure that children on all the world like to play, I’m sure that children love to play in one of seven games: 1. game design 2. art 3. theatrical play 4. musical fun 5. Sports games 6. reading...

National Quality Label

Cieľom projektu je zistiť možnosti získania úveru na financovanie vysokoškolského štúdia pre študentov zo sociálne znevýhodneho prostredia.

Sharing of scientific experiments to the month of May, one for month!