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European School Education Platform


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Projects (8794)

We also aim to socialize inclusive and special education students by enabling them to learn to read and write more easily, with fun and through concretization

Coltivare l’amore per la conoscenza, educare alla libera espressione di sé e alla valorizzazione della relazione con l’altro attraverso l’ascolto, l’accoglienza e il confronto. Promuovere una società...

National Quality Label

We would like to share experiences to foster inclusion at schools through different activities, games, ideas...and interact with pupils from European countries using ICTs. Our students speak English...

National Quality Label

This project is about inclusion, disability and neurodiversity – it is about giving young students the ability to be aware of the difference and accept it as part of the human condition and knowing...

This project is about inclusion, disability and neurodiversity – it is about giving young students the ability to be aware of the difference and accept it as part of the human condition and knowing...

It is an environment and recycling project.Recycling is one of the best way of decreasing the wastes in nature.We want to instill and bring environmental awareness to our students in order to leave a...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Türkiye'de doğup Avrupa'ya yayılan "Hemsball" adlı bir spor branşımız var. Bu proje ile milli sporumuzu sevdirmek ve öğrencilere tanıtmak istiyoruz. Her yaştan öğrenci için uygundur. ***** We have a...

Her insan özeldir,tektir,önemlidir.Yola çıkış nedenimiz budur.Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu,Disleksi, gibi bir çok problemle çocuklar küçük yürekleriyle mücadele ediyorlar.