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European School Education Platform


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Projects (8071)

Having a pet can indeed be incredibly beneficial for your well-being! They offer companionship, reduce stress, provide a sense of purpose, and can even improve physical health by encouraging exercise...

In this project we’ll combine English, ICT and Psychology. During all the school year 2024/2025 we wiil learn how to work with stress, we will try ourselves in creative writing, we will create e-book...

By implementing the project, our overall objective is to increase our competencies in the teaching profession. Teachers' problem and conflict solving skills and classroom management skills will be...

Projekt ima za cilj poboljšanje digitalnih kompetencija učenika, nastavnika i osoblja škole kako bi se stvorilo inovativno, suvremeno i kreativno okruženje za učenje i rad. Kroz proučavanje obrazovnih...

First, Sandrine Marie Simon, a children's book author, will present her book to the students. French, Italian and Polish future teachers will collaboratively write a story for children in English for...

Bullying in schools is a problem that every school in the country has to deal with. In actuality, bullying almost affects every school in the country to some extent and transcends all racial...

Državna organizacija za podršku eTwinning-u već treću godinu za redom poziva eTwinnere da učestvuju u obilježavanju Dana planete Zemlje i to putem dostavljanja vlastitih praksi, prijedloga, ideja u...

Project Scope and Purpose In today's constantly changing and transforming conditions due to technological developments, one of the most important conditions for students to achieve success, socialize...