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European School Education Platform


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Projects (53506)

Having a pet can indeed be incredibly beneficial for your well-being! They offer companionship, reduce stress, provide a sense of purpose, and can even improve physical health by encouraging exercise...

Sudionici projekta rješavanjem zadataka u projektnim aktivnostima jačaju jezične i komunikacijske vještine hrvatskog jezika kroz govorenje, pisanje i glazbu. Uranjanjem u prirodu potiče ih se da...

Proiectul este destinat cadrelor didactice care participa la cursul de formare - Introducere in ESEP / eTwinning si scrierea unui proiect european. Utilizarea TIC la clasa. In cadrul proiectului ne...

Cilj projekta je unaprijediti učinkovitost korištenja eTwinning portala unutar školske zajednice. Kroz seriju radionica i individualnih savjetovanja, učitelji i učenici će biti osposobljeni za...

Şcoala se cere a fi permanent într-un dialog cu societatea încercând să realizeze legături între nevoile educaţionale, resursele intelectuale ale elevilor şi perspectivele de dezvoltare ale societăţii...

The Special Educational and Educational Center in Sieradz is implementing project No. 2022-1-PL01-KA121-SCH-000066247 co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + School Education program. The aim...

In this project we can collaborate to tell more about our language to describe so much about our identity Using digital tools we can know each other from padlet Create a genealogic online tree about...

The students will exchange handmade Easter cards via the traditional post. The cards will also be accompanied with an introduction letter in order for the participants to learn a few things about the...