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European School Education Platform


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Projects (2598)

Conocer los centros educativos y las ciudades donde se encuentran.Conocer qué hacemos para que NUESTRO centro educativo sea MÁS sostenible

During some weeks, students will take part in a journey to discover what types of food are healthy, what eating habits suits them best. Used to a more and more common culture of cheap fast food...

Student explore how music and fashion have developed and how it impacts both personal and group identity.

Il progetto proposto prevede uno scambio culturale ed educativo tra gli alunni della seconda classe del biennio dell’Istituto Riccati Luzzatti di Treviso e gli studenti del Lyceum Baken Park di Almere...

Notre projet a pour but de permettre aux élèves de 4ème français et italiens de comparer leurs villes, de faire connaître aux autres leurs endroits préférés et de se projeter sur l'évolution de leur...

Il progetto TU DA ME, ICH ZU DIR si propone come continuazione del progetto di scambio epistolare TI SCRIVO, UND DU ? Si continua la collaborazione Licei "Renier"di Belluno- BRG -BORG di Feldbach sul...

In this projecy students will prepare Easter cards themselves they will learn to write an address learn about Easter traditions They will learn how to write wishes in English

We increase students' awareness of the dance culture of other countries. In cooperation with different countries, the children create exciting and innovative dances, using music from another country...