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European School Education Platform


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Projects (13)

What the Mind Mapping Technique Does and For What Purpose It Appears.Rules of Mind Mapping.Uses of Mind Maps.Being Concise, Creating More Impact with Less Words. Enjoying Permanent, Fun and Original...

This event aims at attracting newcomers to the Erasmus+ programme: Target groups are teachers or head teachers from schools in the field of general education (lower and upper secondary education /...

National Quality Label

We aim to make our students understand the negative effects of the environment and climate change on living and non-living beings with our project. Our students will realize that they have...

National Quality Label

Schools across Europe closed in the Spring term due to Covid 19. The children have now all returned to school with different experiences of lockdown. Some children attended school throughout, whereas...

The project, born right in the epicenter of the RED ZONE” (Codogno) aims to involve not only the schools that first have been locked down but also all the schools that are still “OUT”. WE want it to...

National Quality Label

During this project high school pupils from seven different nationalities will work together on a project about country identity and national culture to prepare for the exchanges. They will present...

Participants Applicant organisation Seinäjoen lyseo, Finland Partner organisations: Centrul Scolar de Educatie Incluziva Alba Iulia, Romania O.D.P.F. Istituto Santachiara, Italy, Hietaniemi...

We want to promote a healthy, environmentally sustainable and entrepreneurial future for our pupils and our schools. There will be various outcomes of this project. We are going to publish a guide...