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European School Education Platform


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Projects (155547)

As the partnership, we feel, that this subject is a very important part of the development of the students. It is very different from any of the other subject areas taught in the school and involves...

How can art be a mean of communication between European cultures and develop the respect of gender differences and the understanding of European cultures and traditions? Share and learn from the other...

This project is based on establishing interpersonal relationships in the classroom and creating links with students from another country using the English language. Then, students will exchange...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We would like to show you a video in English on our school, our classmates, teachers etc.. You just have to record a video of your life in your school and that’s it! In this video, you will show the...

Projekt będzie doskonalił umiejętności językowe i matematyczne uczniów. Dank dem Projekt werden die Schüler sowohl Mathematik als auch Deutschkenntnisse verbessern.

National Quality Label

Among students ,girl students generally tend to avoid or grow hesitation towards scientific studies and STEM studies.The tendency towards girls are the same too.The families,teachers or employers do...

National Quality Label

European Friends es un proyecto en el que estudiantes de 1ºESO españoles elaborarán materiales y compartirán información y vivencias con escolares de su misma edad de un centro danés.

National Quality Label

Our project aims to get familiar with different cultures,to find out different cultures,to respect the differences and to develop communication skills among the students from all over the world. In...