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Projects (155458)

This Project aims to provide students to understand media literacy better and also to understand the place of the media in her/his own life

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

About the project Students will write and exchange emails with students from another country on twinspace. This project wants to be an opportunity for the students to know a different reality and...

National Quality Label

Büyük Türk bilgini ve filozof Farabi’nin doğumunun 1150. yıl dönümü dolayısıyla Birleşmiş Milletler (BM), 2020’yi Dünya Farabi yılı ilan etmiştir. Bir çok alanda bilisel çalışmalar yapan Farabi'nin...

National Quality Label

By drawing attention to the problems arising from climate change, global warming and the Covid-19 epidemic in our world, we will implement our project in order to find solutions to these problems. In...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Con este proyecto, gracias al uso del idioma español en ámbitos cotidianos, se pretende motivar al alumnado al aprendizaje de una nuova lengua extranjera que les permitirá abrirse al mundo global. Por...

The main goal of the project is to make use of Polar Sciences studies so that students can get an idea of how scientists work. With Pole Science studies, students and teachers will work in groups to...

National Quality Label

Dieses Projekt wurde für Schüler erstellt, die Deutsch als zweite Fremdsprache in unserem Land und im Ausland lernen, sowie für Lehrer, die diesen Kurs unterrichten. In diesem Projekt soll neben dem...

National Quality Label

The idea of ​​the project stems from the need to make children aware of the importance of belonging to a large community like the European one. Classes will have to start a virtual journey through the...