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Projects (154186)

In order to bring the student-teachers to enrich their observations and their respective practices in a way that takes into account the globality of the student's life, we will try to reflect on the...

A lo largo de este proyecto, un peluche por cada país socio viajará por Europa para visitar los demás. Por cada visita habrá un tema distinto que desarrollar. Los alumnos deberán recibir los peluches...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

This project aims to present students with an original and concrete approach to the study of the cultures and traditions of three different European countries. The story of Europe will be approached...

Au cours de cette année scolaire, nous voulons introduire dans nos classes, sous forme expérimentale, des chemins pour amener les enfants à la pensée de calcul par le codage. Faire du code à l'école...

National Quality Label

In this project students will research and analyze different aspects of sustainability. They will be aware of what actions are sustainable and which aren't. Moreover, they will be acquainted with...

National Quality Label

In the project 'Let us share to be fair' students work together to learn more about the sustainable development goals. While working on different aspects of these goals, they will develop more skills...

National Quality Label

Students will share presentations of their schools, school subjects, timetables... They will use the twinspace to send videos, photos or powerpoint presentations.

Projemiz öğrencilerimizin üst düzey düşünme becerilerini geliştirmek için P4C uygulamasından yararlanacağımız bir projedir.