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European School Education Platform


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Projects (156456)

This is a project about Honey. We are going to talk about its nutritional value, its use in Religious, in History, etc. We are going to use ICT tools, in order our common acts to be presented.

The project will explore the world of a school library: its functions, its organization, its purposes. Based on these, the pupils will be engaged in both bibliotheconomical and reading activities...

National Quality Label

Kultur, Traditionen und interessante, junge Leute aus anderen Ländern kennen lernen.

Hello I'm a french teacher in south of France, my pupils are 8 and 9 , and I'm very intereted to send postcards, mails, skype about school, usages, fests, foods and geography of all european countries...

This project aims to encourage students and teachers to work together and work towards a common understanding the identity of Europe through media as we share our different learning outcomes in our...

This is an Erasmus + project between 3 secondary schools.

The project ‘Let's tell our Christmas story !is aimed to show all the ways in which Christmas is celebrated in different countries in Europe. We will also involve all curricular and extracurricular...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Around 100 students from France, Poland, Spain and Italy will address a real-life problem which concerns a need in their class and school. They will research and understand the process of learning as...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label