Information about the project
Target groups:
teaching staff and students of secondary vocational schools
management of companies in the region and employees which are responsible for the vocational training
representatives of regional self-government, trade and professional associations
Main targets:
The aim of the project is to modernize vocational education in partner schools through the connection of education and practice and to create outputs in the form of educational outcomes and learning materials that can be subsequently used in mobility, innovations of the VET and lifelong learning. In the project, we plan to analyse the situation of employability in technical professions and find out which conditions affect young people in choosing and starting their first job. The project also aims to improve career guidance in secondary and primary schools.
O1 Analysis of the needs of regional employers
Leading organization: Spojená škola Detva
a. Analysis of the overall labour market in the participating countries and its comparison
b. Analysis of employability of young people and graduates and comparison
c. Analysis of employability in technical professions and its comparison
d. Trends in the development of individual regional labour markets and factors that affect them
e. Impact of labour market developments on the content of vocational education and training (schools involved I in general)
f. Compilation of SWOT analysis
Form and resources:
- statistics from the labour market of individual countries
- joint questionnaire
a. Background - general characteristics of the economy in the regions and regional labour markets
b. Overview of the most important employers in the region - basic economic information
c. Comparison of demand and supply on the labour market - searching for opportunities for schools
d. Method of cooperation between schools and employers - comparison
e. Method of VET regulation by the founders
f. Analysis of employers' needs:
- required skills
- required knowledge
- shortcomings in the competencies of graduates
- employers' interest in participating in content changes
- employers' costs for adaptation / retraining of graduates
- other questions according to the needs of the partners
g. Compilation of a SWOT analysis of vocational education and training in schools
h. Possibilities of education of company employees in school premises
Form and resources:
- joint questionnaire for schools
- questionnaire for employers (according to the needs of the school)
a. Analysis of the transition of graduates to the labour market - possible obstacles and limitations
b. Analysis of primary school students - what factors influence them in choosing a secondary school
c. Analysis of high school students - what factors influence them when choosing the first job
d. Analysis of graduates - what are the differences between their expectations and the reality in the first job
e. Analysis of which graduates are employed in the field they have studied
Form and resources:
- questionnaire for primary schools
- questionnaire for own students
- joint questionnaire in order to find out data on graduates
O2 Proposal of a common curriculum
Leading organization: 1. slovenský strojársky klaster
Proposal of a curriculum for a selected field of the education, which is related to the content of partners' education:
1. Identification (basic information on focus, length, etc., assignment to NQF, ISCED)
2. Graduate profile - acquired knowledge, skills, competencies
3. Possibilities of including the curriculum within the educational programs
4. Curriculum and educational plan
5. Methods and forms of evaluation
6. Personnel requirements
7. Material requirements
8. Recommended literature
9. Other necessary information
Curriculum design for a selected area of education, which is related to the content of partners' education. We focus on the following areas:
- industrial 3D printing
- robotization and automation of production
- computer systems and industry 4.0
- industrial PC - PLC
- hydraulics and pneumatics
- electromobility
- production logistics and method of collecting information from production (what is the state of production, how production plans change according to changes in production, how the production process is managed)
- company information system (employment records, job reporting, production worker performance measurement)
- wage systems in companies and their efficiency
The choice was influenced by a survey we conducted with partners and cooperating companies. The choice is not final, its concretization may be influenced by the results of the survey carried out as part of output O1.
This output will be followed by the processing of output O3.
We want to use the methodology of "best practices", t. j. that the partners pass on experience in the implementation of the school educational program.
O3 Preparation of teaching materials
Leading organization: Strukovna skola Durdevac
A set of learning materials that will include:
1. Presentations and teaching texts on selected topics
2. Exercises for teaching texts
3. Worksheets for students and support methodologies for teachers
4. Tests for self-control by students and for evaluation by pedagogical staff
The output will include:
A set of teaching materials that will include:
- Presentations and teaching texts on selected topics
- Exercises for teaching texts - for frontal and group work in teaching as well as for individual preparation of students
- Worksheets for students and support methodologies for teachers
- Tests for self-control by students and for evaluation by pedagogical staff
We will focus primarily on the fields that were listed in the O2 output:
- industrial 3D printing
- robotization and automation of production
- computer systems and industry 4.0
- industrial PC - PLC
- hydraulics and pneumatics
- electromobility
- production logistics and method of collecting information from production (what is the state of production, how production plans change according to changes in production, how the production process is managed)
- company information system (employment records, job reporting, production worker performance measurement)
- wage systems in companies and their efficiency
Teaching materials will be placed on the common web of the project, so that they will be available to all pupils and teachers within and outside the partnership.
When processing the output, we will work closely with companies in order to obtain practical materials that will reflect the needs of practice.
For this purpose, pedagogical employees participating in the creation of excursion outputs, or short-term internships with regional employers.
Selected materials will be used for joint mobility during the international partner school for pupils involved.
O4 Career counselling and support of technical education at primary schools
Leading organization: Stredni odborna skola a Stredni odborne uciliste technicke, Tremosnice
The output will include:
A) Career guidance tools for primary and secondary school students
In this part of the output, we will focus on the tools of career counseling in order to properly guide primary school students in choosing the right department and profession. This
the output will be closely related to the results of output O1
We will focus on:
- proposal of the competency profile of a career counsellor
- lifelong learning of a career counsellor
- effective ways of cooperation of career counsellors in primary and secondary schools
- ways of schools cooperating with employers in career guidance
- proposal of suitable tools of career counselling - for the target group of primary school students
- proposal of suitable career guidance tools - for the target group of high school students
The main goal of this output will be to increase the interest of primary school students in technical professions. To verify and support these activities, we want to involve primary school students in joint activities during the educational activity of the pupils of the participating partner schools. Pupils from the participating secondary schools would prepare interesting workshops as part of the Science and Technology Week, presentations, competitions to which representatives of primary schools would be invited.
B) Teaching materials for technical training in primary schools
We start from the need for primary schools in the region, several of which have abolished or reduced in the past very well-functioning technical education workshops. Children do not have a chance work in a real environment and know several processes only from presentations and videos. We plan to prepare the following forms of teaching materials:
1. Wall materials on various technical topics, especially in the field of physics, electrical engineering, mechanics, mathematics, manual processing of materials. We will also present selected materials and technologies in a simple and accessible way for children. We will deliver the materials to schools in electronic form
2. Worksheets for teaching technical education on the above topics. Subsequently, a theoretical introduction for the teacher on the topic will be prepared. We will also supplement the worksheets with appropriate links to existing resources or tutorials
3. We will support these activities by enabling primary school students to implement the teaching of technical training in workshops of practical teaching, respectively. we invite students to excursions in local businesses.