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Smart Up and Step Up! Erasmus +


Sport can change your life!

Created by Anna Mączka
Last updated by Anna Mączka 1 year 1 month ago

Sport can change your life!


Sport can have a significant impact on our lives. It can influence social life in various ways.


Sport brings people together. Sports can bring people from different backgrounds together. When people come together to watch or play sports, they may develop social connections and form friendships with others who share their passion for the game.


Sport promotes teamwork: Team sports, in particular, can teach people how to work together towards a common goal. This skill can be valuable in many areas of life, from the workplace to personal relationships.


Sport fosters a sense of community: Sports can create a sense of community among fans, particularly when there is a local team that people can support. This can lead to a shared identity and a feeling of belonging to something larger than oneself.


Sport provides role models: Successful athletes can serve as role models for young people and inspire them to pursue their own goals. They can also use their platform to promote positive social change and advocate for important causes.


Sport improves physical and mental health: Participation in sports can have a positive impact on physical and mental health, which can, in turn, lead to a better quality of life and greater social engagement.


Overall, sports can have a significant influence on social life, from promoting teamwork and community to inspiring individuals to achieve their goals and make positive changes in their communities.


Our students wrote and illustrated an ebook about a person whose life changed due to doing sport. Let’s read!