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European School Education Platform


Encryption is good example of the use of mathematics in our lives and has been used by people for secret communication for centuries. It’s used in wide area from personal data protection to country security today. Although encryption is made with computer programs with more complex methods today, it’s based on old mathematical methods. In this project, some encryption methods used throughout history will be explored and then students will write encrypted letters to their peers with these methods or their own unique methods. Moreover, they will like math with fun project activities.



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We continue to disseminate our project works!  We opened a booth at the national conference where the 150 most successful project owners among the projects that received 38.000 European quality labels in our country were invited and presented our project to senior managers, academics and other teachers. Thanks to all partners again for good results.


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Croatia is also happy for recieving European Quality Label .

It was really nice working to you all,hope we will be partners again in some  future project.

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I am happy, that I can add here the European Quality Label for the Slovak team.

This project, work, and all partners are great. 

I'm looking forward to being a part of it.

Thank you for your support and friendship. 

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We did great work and we succeeded together👏👏.

A heartfelt thank you to all students and teachers for their wonderful contributions. It was a pleasure to travel with you on this mysterious road. Hope our paths cross again. Love to the great and beautiful team

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Greetings from Poland 🥰
We also enjoy the cooperation and remember walking on coded paths


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I am happy to annnounce EQL for the Czech Republic:) Thank you for the great cooperation!

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I congratulate my dear colleague Lorana Antunac and her dear students from my heart. It was really great to work with the always positive and harmonious Croatian team.Thank you for putting a smile on our face and for all your contributions to our project...

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I am happy to annnounce QL for Croatia :)

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Thank you all for our work on the  project!