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Let's Write a Book Together
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Let's Write a Book Together


Curriculum Integration

Created by Berran Şahin
Last updated by Berran Şahin 9 months 2 weeks ago
Curriculum Integration -Izmir-Türkiye
Curriculum Integration Croatia
Spanish curriculum integrated
Italian Curriculum
Italian Project Curriculum
DİLEK BAHADIR-Şehit Askeri Çoban Primary School, İSTANBUL/TÜRKİYE

Integration of Turkish curriculum

Karsiyaka Cumhuriyet Primary School-4. Class Curriculum Integration
T.4.3.1. Reads aloud and silently, paying attention to punctuation marks.
T.4.3.2. Reads with attention to stress, intonation and pronunciation.
T.4.3.5. Reads texts written in different characters. 
T.4.3.6. Applies reading strategies.
T.4.3.12. Guesses the meaning of unfamiliar words and word groups by using the context.
T.4.3.21. Determines the title appropriate to the content of the text he/she reads. 
T.4.3.35. Uses information sources effectively.
T.4.3.37. Expresses his/her thoughts about the events in the text he/she reads.
T.4.4.3. writes a narrative text.
T.4.4.11. organizes what he/she writes.
T.4.4.12. shares what he/she writes.
Social Studies
SB.4.2.2. Gives examples by researching the elements reflecting the national culture in his/her family and environment.
SB.4.7.1. Introduces various countries in the world.
SB.4.7.3. Compares the cultural elements of different countries with the cultural elements of our country.
SB.4.7.4. Shows respect for different cultures.
Listening: Students will be able to understand the general information in an oral text about likes and dislikes.
Students will be able to identify different people's nationalities.
Speaking: Students will be able to talk about nations and nationalities.
Speaking: Students will be able to talk about locations of cities.
Listening: Students will be able to understand the general information in an oral text about likes and dislikes.
Visual Arts
G.4.1.1. Uses the steps of shaping while creating a visual art work.
G.4.1.2. Creates visual artwork by associating experiences with different ideas, art forms and cultural themes.
G.4.1.3. Makes choices to create unity of composition in visual artwork.
G.4.2.2. Compares the distinctive features of architectural structures belonging to Turkish culture and other cultures.
G.4.2.3. Compares the general characteristics of works of art from different cultures.