Translations are provided via eTranslation, the European Commission's machine translation service, except for Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Georgian, Macedonian, and Serbian. Please note that some content may not be available in these languages.
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European School Education Platform
Guess the Teacher
Focusing on our students' language learning and speaking skills, explaining global goals on issues such as sustainability, climate change, global warming and climate change, recycling, actively involving our students in the learning process, reaching more people on a fun learning journey with activities, playing an active role in solving environmental problems. It aims to give students the opportunity to be solution-oriented, creative, innovative and identify with nature, to integrate innovative practices into the curriculum, to enable both students and teachers to acquire 21st century learning skills, to be aware of cultural differences, and to develop cooperation skills. This project brought together teachers from different branches. In the 21st century, it aims to disseminate the digital tools brought by the age of technology and to create a cooperative learning environment. Based on the need for new generation learning/teaching methods, we created learning environments where students can have a pleasant time with web 2.0 tools.