Schools are important for the child to gain universal values. In addition, schools perform the task of changing behavior in the desired direction. While doing this, they should be able to give the values that form the personality of the individuals and that the society needs to live comfortably together. First of all, our first aim is to make young people understand that universal values are a bridge that provides the fusion of different cultures. In this context, it is believed that there will be a change in the level of students gaining awareness and having values with e-twinning values education activities.
Within the scope of the Values Education Project, a video, valuable words card, photo, brochure, poster, logo presentation etc. related to a universal value selected every month. It will be ensured that students take an active role in the studies by using various web 2.0 tools. In this project, our students will both have fun and learn our universal values by making good words, boards, skits, videos, animations or presentations about the value of that week. In this way, it will be tried to create awareness about that value.
1. To raise individuals who recognize universal values, who can make decisions in accordance with values, who are sensitive to values and who can transform these values into behavior, and who can transfer the values they have learned to future generations.
2. To raise our young people equipped with values that will guide them in life and help them form their personality, as well as academic knowledge.
3. Shaping social life in accordance with universal values
4. Creating sensitivity to values
5. To be able to comprehend the importance of values in the coexistence of different cultures
6. To create happier, loving and respectful societies living together without any problems
7. Developing students' sense of responsibility
8. To make students understand that there are common values in different cultures.
9. Developing students' socialization with each other and their internet usage skills
10. Developing critical thinking and problem solving skills
11. To enable them to use technological tools by developing their creative thinking skills and with the awareness of collaborative work
1. Working time is 2 months. Different web 2.0 tools will be used in this process. A project plan will be prepared in November and a project application will be made at the end of December.
2. In January, teachers and students will be added to the system. Parent permission documents of the students will be approved. In the online meeting, the partners will meet first. At the next meeting the partners will attend the meeting with their school and their students will be able to introduce themselves in the Twinspace. Afterwards, teachers and students will distribute tasks. Before starting the project, preliminary research, logo and poster design and selection, project social media accounts will be created.
3. In February, each school will introduce their school and promote the project. A survey will be conducted on which values will be studied, and according to the result, values-related activities will be supported by various web2.0 tools, and the studies will start in March and end in May.
4. Evaluation and dissemination (e-book, e-exhibition, school exhibition) studies will be carried out. The contribution of each partner will be indicated in the joint products.
1. Students will reflect and internalize the universal values they know or have just learned.
2. The human model that creates value and protects its values will emerge.
3. Collaborative learning, taking responsibility and empathy skills will develop among the project members.
4. The ability to recognize and use Web 2.0 tools correctly will increase.
5. We will prepare a dashboard, poem and distribution for the 2nd selected value.
6. It will contribute to the development of language skills
7. The mixed teams related to the 3rd value with the most votes will freely cooperate and produce a joint product.
8. Fun activities will contribute to the lessons and will be integrated into the learning outcomes.
8. Students' self-confidence will increase
9. He will learn to use the platforms to be used in project dissemination in accordance with the rules of e-security and internet ethics.
10. Will be able to use web2.0 tools and technology correctly and effectively.
1. We will choose 2 values from the survey about the universal values that will be discussed at the events.
2. We will design a poster and a logo that includes all the values we have discussed, and submit it to the vote to choose the poster and logo of the project.
3. We will put the selected values in order and prepare a panel about that value once a month and support it with visuals.
4. First of all, we will put the beautiful words that describe the first universal value we wrote on the cards into the envelopes and distribute them to the class and ask everyone to read them aloud. We will prepare a brochure about the selected value.
5. We will prepare a sketch about the selected value and present this sketch to students and teachers using the necessary clothes and materials. We will prepare a poster about the selected value.
6. We will create an animation about the selected value. We will organize a photo contest and reward the winner of the first selected photo. We will display the other photos on the school board.
7. We will make a presentation in the class about the chosen value and the school teams will come together to write a poem.
8. Finally, we will exhibit the activities carried out until then at the school.