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European School Education Platform

The Network of European Blue Schools

The Network of European Blue Schools is part of the EU4Ocean Coalition, an initiative funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE). We are a hub for all schools and teachers that strive to engage students with oceanic, marine, or water topics and raise awareness on issues related to those environments. The concept of a European Blue School evolved from the marine education expertise gathered from consultations with teachers and educators across Europe. It acknowledges the variety of cultures and school communities from the 27 EU Member States and champions the concept of open schooling – encouraging the development of local partnerships to make the learning context relevant. The challenges that the work of teachers faces are many, but through the Network of European Blue Schools, you will not be working alone. All teachers are invited to join this effort to promote ocean literacy by taking the ocean into their classroom, helping to make it everyone’s concern, no matter where you are. Teachers are mentors and inspirational figures for students and the subjects they choose at school, as well as their future career choices and attitudes toward the environment.



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Danube Guardians

Hello everyone,
I am  from Croatia, the city of Vukovar. I teach at Secondary School

Of Economics Vukovar. Our city lies on the banks of the Danube River. We are starting a project called Danube Guardians, so if anyone is interested in working with us on this project, you can Contact me by email:

Be The Color To The Blue

Blue School

"Hello, I am Meryem Ülkü SÜMBÜL. I am the vice principal at Fatih Sultan Mehmet Primary School (Tarsus Mersin Turkey Mediterranean). Our school became a European blue school this year with my "Be a color to the blue" project. I want to do an eTwinning project related to this project. Would you like to add value by taking part in this project?"




Searching for partners for etwinning project Mediterranean Treasures

Dear colleagues,

we are two Spanish schools and a Turkish one searching for partners to join us in a project about the protection and migration of Careta Turtles in the Mediterranean Sea. If you are from any Mediterranean country and you know any ONG working on that, do not hesitate to join us!

Beatriz Álvarez

I.e.s. Miguel Hernandez

Alicante  (Spain)

Blue School Certificate

Proud to share our status of European Aquamarine School for the project ‘Ao xeito - To the way (to the manner)’.

O IES Félix Muriel de Rianxo, Galicia (Spain) non para e segue avanzando no seu camiño de aprendizaxes e compartindo experiencias educativas ca NEBS

Adiante co noso proxecto Fervedoiro ProBleu1714413822 

Aquamarine Blue school certificate
Blue school certificate.
Status: Aquamarine

Ana Kovacevic, Sesta beogradska gimnazija

Европска плава школа
Шеста београдска гимназија је и ове године 2024. добила сертификат Плава школа Европе. Наставићемо са активностима на Европском форуму. Припремамо презентације и саопштићемо резултате наших радова на сајту Поморског форума, Европске комисије. Поздрављамо све школе са сличним циљевима.

Honouring the Legacy of Antoni Ballester: Our Journey as an Aquamarine Blue School

We are delighted to have been certified as an European Aquamarine School, honouring the legacy of oceanographer Antoni Ballester, after whom our institute, located on the Catalan coast of Spain, is named. Our project, titled Exploring the Coast and Oceans like Antoni Ballester, reflects our commitment to advancing his work and passion for marine conservation.





New certification awarded

Our school proven continuous endevour to climate change and ocean literacy. 

Liceul Tehnologic Lazăr Edeleanu Navodari

Meryem Ülkü SÜMBÜL - "Be The Color To The Blue"

Hello, I am Meryem Ülkü SÜMBÜL. I am the manager at Fatih Sultan Mehmet Primary School 8Age 7-10) (Tarsus Mersin Turkey Mediterranean). Our school became a European blue school this year with my "Be the color to the blue" project.

Meryem Ülkü SÜMBÜL